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What is Keratin Treatment?

Alice 2017-08-14 10:31:11
Keratin is a protein and the major component in skin, hair and nails. In fact, the hair is mainly comprised of keratin-associated proteins. but it reduces over the years as you start ageing and also due to environmental factors and styling. It leads to keratin deficiency and your hair becomes frizzy and loose shine.

Keratin does not make your hair straight. It reduces the frizz and make the hair stronger and smoother. Even if you have a good hair type, it still strengthens the hair shaft and makes your hair more shiny. So the keratin treatment is more and more popular in Japan, Europe and USA.

How does a keratin treatment work?

The hair is shampooed first and then blow dried so that all the moisture is removed.

A hair stylist applies a keratin formula to your hair and then seal it with a very hot flat-iron. It's the heat from the iron, along with other chemicals in the keratin formula, that activate the straightening effect
They will leave the treatment for 20 minutes and wrap your hair in a plastic cap. Finally flat iron will lock the treatment in, thus creating a humidity resistant finish to your beautiful looking hair.
Normally the treatment will keep for 3 months.

After care about keratin treatment:

Do not wash you hair for the next 72 hours.
Keep your hair loose. Do not use tight bands, hair pins etc.
Chose a salon shampoo and a conditioner, these shampoos deposit the same keratin that went onto the hair the day you received the treatment each time.

FBT provide a family diamond coating hair flat iron. 1inch hair styling iron EHS-7422, 2 inch hair straightener EMS-7115 . They are favored by salon owners and best choice for keratin treatment.