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Flat Irons and What They're Made of

Liz 2017-07-26 16:22:58

To choose a flat iron, maybe we will pay more attention on its function and temperature.however, the plates of hair straightener is also important, it need a quality material to against the high temperature(about 220-240degree),also it will smooth your hair when straightening.Our FBT care about the plate of straightener,it is coated by Ceramic, Tourmaline, Titanium and so on, so we will detail these materials for your reference.

Ceramic straighteners come in a few different constructions, so it’s important to make sure you’re getting the right thing. There is a pretty big difference in ceramic and ceramic-coated irons, so it could mean you end up with a straightener that does less than you intended.

NOT A Coat of Iron
Hair straighteners that are ceramic coated probably have metal underneath the coating. They will have the smooth and non-shiny appearance of a ceramic iron, but they don’t have the same kind of heat distribution. Ceramic-coated straighteners get hot quickly because of the metal plates beneath, but they do not stay as hot as a true ceramic plate.

Ceramic Matters
Ceramic straighteners have high ranges of heat options, and they don’t get hot spots like other straighteners. Because the plates on ceramic irons are so smooth, they are less likely to create tangles when pulling the straightener through your hair. They can make hair very straight and shiny, and should remove most of the frizz when used at the appropriate temperature.


If you’re looking for quick heat, titanium hair straighteners are the way to go. They heat up right away, and they’re able to stay that way for a long while. They are also pretty lightweight. Titanium irons are better for the ends of your hair because they cause less heat transfer, and they may be the go-to-choice if you don’t make regular trips to the hairdresser to have your ends trimmed.
Titanium plates also last much longer because they are not porous like ceramic plates. Titanium in general is more durable than other options, and it is more likely to last many years so you don’t have to replace it. It can however, be much more expensive than other options.

If you like shiny, expensive things, tourmaline may be the way to go. Tourmaline Ceramic Iron have tourmaline covered plates. Tourmaline is a gemstone or mineral, and its ground up and used to cover the plates of the iron. Tourmaline usually goes over ceramic plates, making them even smoother. The smoother the plate, the less likely it is to damage or catch hair in the plates.
Tourmaline covered plates are more durable than other options, and they are less likely to chip or suffer heat loss over time. The covering keeps the heat on the plate which means you get consistency when you use it.

Other Options
There are other coverings you can get for plates like silicon or rubber which help to sort hair out when it’s being pulled through the iron. Some less expensive irons are Teflon coated, but just like Teflon can flake off a pan, it can flake off an iron.
Metal and glass irons are also an option, but there is a reason they aren’t popular. These are often low quality straighteners that get heat spikes, burn hair or break easily. Even if you don’t use it often, it’s best to steer clear of these.


One of the most common and confusing things you’ll see on the box of an iron are the words “ negative ions ”. Flat irons don’t seem all that scientific, and it may be hard to understand why it’s there. My understanding is it’s to do with taming frizzy hair, and can be the difference between a big, overwhelming mane and an in control, sleek style.
Frizzy hair has static, and that means there are positively charged ions buzzing through it which make it big and poufy. By putting negative ion technology on your iron, the negatively charged ions neutralize the positively charged ones and make the hair follicles calm down. You go from a frizzy mess to organized straightness in just a few minutes. Pretty neat huh? You’ll also be less likely to electrically shock your friends!

So you see our hair tools are made of quality material,when you have a idea to buy this product, just call or email us. As for manufacturer of 11year’s experience, we are able to support super quality hair products and share more applied method or product knowledge for you.