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The 5 curling iron mistakes every woman makes

Cathy 2016-10-22 15:23:35

It is still a little bit hard to use a hair curler, even with all the countless video tutorials and endless top of the range products out there helping you achieved the gorgeous styles. When you decide to use the hair curler, you should make sure you know how to use it correctly, as it turns out that many people are not. Here I pinpoint what could be going wrong.

Mistake 1: Use the cheap products

If you want a professional finish, use the professional products. Cheap products will not perform well. Some of them might have quality issues.

Mistake 2: You're not leaving out the ends

Start at the lower third of your hair instead of the ends to give you a more fresh, modern beachy look. No need to clamp the ends unless you want to do super-curler glamour waves.


Mistake 3: Neglect the angle you’re holding the iron while you curl

“If you want more volume, heat the root of your hair first and hold the iron perpendicular to the section (i.e., at a right angle) you're curling," Stone says. It should be straight off your head. "If you don’t want volume, hold the iron straight down instead.”

Mistake 4: Wrapping your hair all in the same direction

If you curl every section in the same direction, they’ll form together and give you more of an Old Hollywood look. But if you want messier beach waves, you should alternate the direction you’re wrapping your hair around the barrel with each section.

Mistake 5: Curl too quickly 

Do not curling too quickly, curling one section once and slowly will give a far better result than curling each section multiple times quickly.