Do you like to importthrough a trading business or work straight with a factory to produce youritems?
What is a trading business? A tradingbusiness– in some cases called a vendor– works as an agent connecting buyersand sellers without having any participation in the ownership or production ofthe product offered.
However, FBT hair tools is a genuine makerfor hair flat irons, hair curling irons, hair clothes dryers and hot airbrushes.
So if there is a way of distinguishing a tradingcompany from a factory at first look? The truth is, it can be challenging to be100 percent sure. You can get a pretty excellent concept by using these 4 signsof a trading business in order to identify from one or the other.
Does the company offer a number of lines ofitems that require various manufacturing procedures? State there is a businesscalled “Hair tools Product Manufacturing Company.” If this business alsosell gloves, facial beauty machines and makeup bags, then they are most likelynot a manufacturing business.
Manufacturers in China, in most cases, willfocus extremely particularly on one product type or production procedure. Thisis because of the high cost of machinery required to produce various kinds ofelements. For that reason, a company that makes hair tools will normally notmake facial charm devices and makeup bags, considering that those productsinvolve totally different production procedures.
Trading business tends to have a lot moremarketable and smart company names than real manufacturers. The factor for thatis their service is trying to acquire customers from overseas, whereasproducers are generally concentrated on making products. Trading companies needto be more consumer-friendly in order to bring in a bigger client base.
Manufacturers also normally have the nameof the city or town they lie in within their company name. For example, abusiness that makes rulers or cups in Dongguan could be called “DongguanPlastic Products Company”. A name like this doesn’t sound extremelyappealing to foreign purchasers, does it? A trading business, on the otherhand, will typically have a catchier name like “Home ProductsManufacturing Company”, in order to pass off as a manufacturer. A factorywould hardly ever have a name like that in China.
Where is the company located? Put theiraddress into Google Maps and see if they are located in the middle of HongKong, Shanghai, Shenzhen or another densely-populated urban area. If they’relocated in a downtown location, possibilities are that is not the manufacturinglocation.
That doesn’t always suggest they are notthe real manufacturing company – some big factories do have sales workplacesbased in the city. But frequently a little investigation into the realproduction location reveals that the workplace is not connected to the companythat is producing the goods.
If so, it is very likely you are looking ata trading company. Unless it is a substantial and widely known producer, thebusiness website is usually the greatest indication.
This is specifically true of Chinesetrading business. Even a few of the largest factories in China have very basicwebsites, with extremely little English and a poor design. Having an enticingwebsite merely isn’t a high concern for many factories. The lack of decentadvertising efforts originating from Chinese factories themselves becomes partof the reason that trading companies have taken hold in China.
Trading companies offer consumers with alarge array of choices in order to buy budget friendly goods abroad. Next timeyou discover yourself having problem separating between a producer and atrading company, ask yourself:
– Do they offer more than one kind ofproduct?
– Does the name noise generic or catchy?
– Where are they found?
– Is their website unusually user-friendly?
Next time when you visit our factory inChina, try to find these four indications and you will know how exactly theyare.
A trading business– in some cases called avendor– works as a representative linking purchasers and sellers withouthaving any involvement in the ownership or production of the product sold. Ifthis business offers gloves, facial charm devices and makeup bags then they areprobably not a making company.
Trading business tend to have much moremarketable and smart business names than real makers. A company that makesrulers or cups in Dongguan could be called “Dongguan Plastic ProductsCompany”. A trading business, on the other hand, will frequently have acatchier name like “Home Products Manufacturing Company”, in order topass off as a producer.