
Every man should know about these shaving tips

Sometimes youare in a rush and do not have time to go to the barbershop to groom the beard. Evenif you choose to shave at home, you also require a little more effort andknow-how.  Follow these tips, it can help you to get the perfect shavingat home.

Make sureyour beard is wet

Washyour face with soap and warm water to remove oils from the hair and skin. Orbetter yet, shave after a shower when hair is fully saturated with water.


Use a Quality Shaving Cream to Keep It Moisturize


The keysto a great close shave without irritation or razor burn when you are shaving  isto make sure keep your beard moisturized all the time and avoid skin irritation.


You canapply  the shaving cream that has a highconcentration of lubricants  and moisturizers. To leave the shavingcream on your face for at least a minute before you begin cutting, sothat the beard can be soften and lubricated as possible.


Alwaysuse a good quality sharp razor blade

Ifyou use a dull blade will be more traumatic to the skin and will leaves it witha scratchy sensation.  You’d better  replace your razorevery two weeks, regardless of how often do you shave and the thickness ofyour beard.


A ShavingBrush is One of the Best Tools

One of the best tools you can use to achieve the optimum shave isa shaving brush . It not only helps raise the hair so that acloser cut is possible, but  helps lift the beard up and away from theface.


Using Shave Lotion or Balm after shaving

Itis very important apply an after shaving lotion or cream, becauseyour skin will be remain vulnerable. A best after shave lotion, not onlyreplace lost moisture and soothe, but also have ingredients that will cool andrefresh the skin.


To avoid shaving problems, following these shavingtips should help you achieve optimum skin health and help you look your best.